The Girls In The Garden And The Boy In The Stars

The Garden and The Stars

Wishing on a star
She dreamed a dream of children

A heartfelt yearning

Is Love all it takes?

Life’s most wondrous gifts

Have filled her garden

Yet years quickly fly
She must release the blossoms

To play among the stars

“The Girls in the Garden and the Boy in the Stars” began as a tribute to the wondrous gift children bring to our lives. Yet our children grow up and move on and we as parents must learn to live our lives in new ways.

This exhibition was an expression of the joys and tribulations that come with letting my young adult progeny move on into their own lives. As part of that letting go I had recently completed a certificate in Art Therapy in which I had explored deep aspects of my inner self.

Through this course I ‘discovered’ Mandalas as well as Haiku poetry as a beautiful way to express my inner self.

Through a colourful expression of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures and Haiku I would like to share a ‘Peace of the Garden and the Stars” with you.

“The garden is a grounded place where growth and colour flourish.

The stars are mysterious and cause us to ‘wonder.’
Both are special places where I like to dream.”

The young have flown and what I have left is The Garden and The Stars