
Transition is the change from one state or position to another.
Dance is an art form which is in a constant state of movement and change.

As a child, my dream to dance was unrequited. Instead I pursued other art forms such as music and drawing. These two art forms became an integral part of my daily life. I am particularly attracted to depicting the human figure.

For this exhibition I focused on this lifelong passion for dance as a means to explore emotions and feelings. It is inspired by images of my daughter as a dancer, (real and remembered.) It seeks to capture those moments of physical and emotional transition through which the dancer moves.

Dance can awaken feelings from calm, peace, joy, freedom and fun through to passion, pensiveness, tension and strength.

In “Transition” I have ventured to reflect some of the moods and feelings that dance can evoke, using colour, line and shape to enable the viewer to experience dance and emotions in a unique way.